PM Aso visits site of abduction in Niigata ahead of general election
Posted On 2009年8月3日月曜日 at 時刻: 10:28 by RescueAbducteesTwo articles reporting Mr. Aso's visit to Niigata where Megumi Yokota was abducted by North Korea agents to kick off his election campaign.
(Channel News
Japan's Aso slams North Korea as vote campaign begins
Posted: 01 August 2009 1752 hrs
TOKYO : Prime Minister Taro Aso kicked off a campaigning tour ahead of this month's general election on Saturday by focusing on the issue of kidnappings of Japanese citizens by North Korean agents during the Cold War.
TOKYO — Prime Minister Taro Aso on Saturday kicked off a campaigning tour ahead of this month's general election by focusing on the issue of kidnappings of Japanese citizens by North Korean agents during the Cold War.